An underused public space in Noeng Loeng, Bangkok, has been refreshed and energized with added greenery and new park furniture. The project is the result of a two month long intensive design-build program, engaging with the community and local students to develop a proposal that would bring life back to the site. The project included both the design of physical improvements - added greenery, seating and play space - and curation of the launch event.
Each corner houses one of the new furniture components: a large L-shaped double-sided bench, a play 'pyramid' with swing and climbing surfaces, notice board, and a two tiered stand / stage. All new equipment was designed and constructed using scrap materials donated by Ford Motor Company Thailand.
The launch, "Nang Loeng: Join Our Craft", welcomed local venders and artisans into the space to share their techniques and cooking skills, while activating the new and improved park environment. The event was a celebration of the history and culture of the local Nang Loeng community. The event encouraged visitors to engage with various participatory activities — food, dance, games and film — which reflect on Nang Loeng’s past, present, and future. The event commemorated the official opening of the Nang Loeng park.